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A vertical garden is the best garden you can choose when you have a minimalist room or space. You can still make a garden even though you don’t need a large space. One of which is making a vertical garden. When you want to create cozy vertical garden decor idea, you have to know several ways to create it.

The first is you can choose space-saving yard landscaping. When you want to create it, you can buy or make a DIY installation for your vertical garden. Try to choose the fresh and green color as your home interior using these vertical garden ideas. Beside it, you can change it with metal cans for your garden decorating

The second vertical garden decor idea, you can choose is you can recycling dead tree trunk for the plant space of flower space. This is one of the best ideas you can choose to create your best garden and amazing space. Try to choose a beautiful color when you want to create it and make sure to choose the can live easily.

Beside it, you can use baskets for your vertical garden design. If you want to get a low budget, you can use and recycle your baskets and make your vertical garden. Fill the baskets with flowers and hang them in your wall. It will make your garden looks marvelous. This is one of the vertical garden decor idea you can choose as the inspiration.

The last is you can use gutters as your vertical garden. Gutters are the kinds of things you can recycle and use to create a green plant. You can hang it on the wall with several plants or flowers to create an amazing vertical garden. Today, most of the people try to recycle unused things to create an amazing and cozy vertical garden decor idea. Do you want to create it too?

image source : pinterest.com