15+ Minimalist Bathroom Design Ideas


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Either you have a large or small house, a minimalist bathroom can always fit your interior design. One of the nicest things about it is that there are many design ideas available for you to choose from. Not only pleasing on your eyes but the minimalist design is also calming and provides you with extra empty spaces. Speaking about a bathroom with minimalist design, lighting is an important element you should take into account. Lightings with simple designs can be a great choice to balance the minimalist design of the bathroom. You can place indoor plants to add aesthetic value and bring a natural theme to your bathroom design.

One of the best ways to apply minimalist bathroom design ideas is by providing certain areas where you can hold toiletries neatly. A recessed wooden cubby can be a great alternative to try. Not only make everything look neater but it can also create a focal point to the bathroom. Adding a concrete planter and rattan will help you create a warm welcome texture. It will also add colors to your this all-white minimalist bathroom design. If the small space in your house becomes the reason why you install a bathroom with a minimalist design, placing a mirror in the room is another option you can take. This trick will make your bathroom looks classy and larger than its actual size.

Decorative items with cube shapes are popular elements in modern minimalist bathroom design ideas. These contemporary decorative items come with a catchy visual impact to fill the gap often resulted from the lack of accessories in a bathroom with a minimalist look. The smoked glass doors that display the shower and a utility closet can be another classy thing to add to the bathroom. The wooden storage to keep towels can add color and makes the room looks more eco-friendly.

image source : pinterest.com